Best Window Fan Reviews and Expert Buying Guide
A window fan is a great way to cool down your home and save on electricity. The problem with most window fans is that they are designed for placement horizontally, or in other words, orientated so the air blows out of the top of the unit. This means you can’t install them vertically in a wall or windowsill.
However, if you choose a vertical-only model like this one from Lasko, then it’ll be much easier to install!
When deciding what type of window fan to buy, you have the option of buying a traditional horizontal style or a vertical mounted one. The benefits of choosing vertical is that it takes up less space in your room, but be sure not to mount it too high because then you won’t get any air circulation from the bottom.
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Best Window Fans Review
1. Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan
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This is one of the most powerful window fans available in the market. Its two fans can work together or independently to bring air in or draw stale air out. In so doing, it keeps the house cool and fresh.
The Bionaire Twin Window Fan has 3 distinct airflow settings all of which are quite making it ideal even for the bedroom.
It has a LED screen which allows you to see the selected settings. In addition, it also has a remote control so you can switch from setting to setting while in the comfort of your bed or couch.
You don’t have to worry about it fitting since it comes with extenders which makes it possible to fit in different sized windows.
The fan is made of durable material and you don’t have to worry about replacing it every summer.
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2. Bionaire BWF0522M Compact Window Fan (Vertical Window Fan)
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This vertical window fan is as sleek as it is attractive and comes in black. It features 3 fans which work together to either cool and/or freshen your home.
It is efficient and quiet enough to sleep through while it’s on.
It has extenders which make it possible to be installed in windows of different sizes. In addition, it can fit in windows that open vertically or horizontally.
The only downside is that it doesn’t come with a remote and as such you have to set it manually. It, however, has 3 airflow settings.
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3. Holmes HAWF2043 Dual Blade Twin Window fan with One Touch Thermostat
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This window fan has 2 airflow settings. Its strong blades ensure a steady and strong flow which results to a high cooling effect.
The Holmes Dual Blade Twin Window Fan sucks stale air out and blows in cool air. It especially comes in handy if you live with a smoker as it gets rid of the stuffiness.
Another plus for the Holmes Window fan is the fact that it has a programmable thermostat which allows you to set the time for the switch between high and low speeds. This saves you the trouble of having to wake up every so often.
The fan measures 12-1/4” and is available on Amazon.
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4. Lasko 2138 8-Inch Electrically Reversible Twin Window Fan
This Lasko Window Fan comes with 2-speed settings which can be adjusted by a thermostat. It also features extended panels making it ideal for different sized windows (25-35” W and 12+” H).
It is whisper quiet and also comes with snap-On feet for table or floor use.
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5. Air King 9166 20” whole house window fan
This fan is powerful and extremely durable. It is rust proof, shatter proof and corrosion resistant which extends its life span a great deal.
Fits windows 27-38” W and 26.5” H. It features 3 speed settings and could be yours for $154.93.
Check Amazon for more INFO/ BUY
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How Do Window Fans Function?
The blades on a window fan will rotate in such a way that it will absorb all of the hot air inside the room for a period, and then rotate the other way around to let the cool air from the outside to come in.
This is best for rooms that do not have good air ventilation and rooms that are commonly surrounded by smoke and other unwanted odors like the kitchen.
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Window fans are ideal for small kitchens that do not have large windows for air to come in.
a window fan is mainly used as an outlet for stale air in various areas of your home. It circulates the air inside your home , keeping it clean, free from dirt and odor and leaving the room smelling fresh. An exhaust fan replaces polluted air thus it preventing molds and mildew from multiplying. As we know molds and mildew can damage the structure of your home so with an exhaust fan, this can be prevented.
Cross ventilation
Cross ventilation takes place when the cool air outside is forced inside the house with the help of openings such as windows. While the cool air is pushed inside the house, hot air which is inside the house is driven out.
An attic window fan makes use of this cross ventilation process in order to provide cool air. Other rooms that can benefit from this system include the basement where basement window fans can be placed to ensure that the stale air is expelled while keeping the circulation in the basement of your home at optimum levels.
The direction of the ventilation system or fan blades will determine the flow direction within your home. When installing it is important to ensure that you have the fans in the right direction and that you locate them where they can operate best.
Different setups
Fans work in one of two different ways. They are either structured to expel air from within the home or to draw air into your home. You have the option to purchase fans which acts both ways. A twin window fan is a good example of a fan that brings in cool air and sucks out hot air. This twin window fan is suitable for larger rooms because of the dual system it can effectively cool even a large spaces.
Added features
There are fans which have timers and thermostat so you can adjust the temperature and can control the amount of airflow your home experiences. They are particularly good if you are looking for an automated system that can regulate the temperature on its own as necessary.
Installing fans is pretty easy. You just need to have a window opening that is of the same size as the fan you wish to install. You could also get fans that are designed to perfectly fit the window frame. It has expandable panels so that you can cover the spaces with the panels. This prevents holes that can serve as an entry point for insects, mosquitoes and the like.
Common Window Fan Types
Whole House Window Fans
Cooling a house can be quite expensive when using the average air conditioning unit, but there is a solution for most that is cost-efficient and easy to install.
Window fans are becoming more common in households and are saving families on the average 50% on their cooling bill. People that live in the northern states can even save as much as 90%.
The way whole window fan house cooling works is when the temperature outside drops lower than the temperature inside your house the unit will draw the cool air from outside.
The hot air is then drawn through the fan and out the attic through the vents in the roof and attic.
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Whole house window fans are sometimes confused with attic fans, the main difference is attic fans cool only the attic whereas the whole house does exactly as its name states, cools the entire house, by opening the windows the fan is able to blow the cool air through the rooms.
There are several different brands and models of Window Fans on the market that are available for purchase.
Air King is one brand that offers a good selection of whole house window fan products. They make the 9166 series which can cool houses up to 1500 square feet, and every sixteen minutes the fan circulates the air completely through the house.
They also have the 9155 that is a 2-speed fan. The high speed will circulate the air in 7.5 minutes compared to the 16 minutes for a 1500 square foot house.
The Air King also do not need any maintenance and are insulated. When the fan isn’t on, the doors of the fan are sealed air tight.
There is also the top of the line Super-fan that is manufactured by R.E. Williams, this fan is powerful and quiet, it is able to absorb four rooms at one time. It is also the only fan that you can attach to a 12 inch duct to if you do not have the required free area of roof venting.
Environmental issues are at an all time high, with most of society and companies trying to go green and to conserve energy.
The whole house window fan is a definitely a machine that can help with conserving energy and save you money on your cooling bill.
The initial investment for these fans starts anywhere from 400 dollars and can range all the way to 1500 dollars for the top of the line Superfans.
The installation for these fans can take anywhere from 8-16 man-hours and there are even videos available on YouTube that show how to install them.
What Else You Should Know
For window fan types**,** you can get the single type, or the double type wherein both fans are working different functions. One will suck in the air inside the room and blow it outside, while the other will serve as the passage way of the cool air from the outside going inside.
The size of the window fans will, of course, vary from one brand to another, features, and the type. But normally, one fan can measure at least 20 inches in diameter. So if you are getting a double type, expect that you have to make a provision for at least two 20 inches radius fans on your windows.
The best window fans will fit a normal width of a window. But just to make it safe, it is always best to measure the place where you intend to place the window fan and bring it with you when you are decided to buy the unit.
It is fairly easy to install a window fan unit. You just have to know how to work on the following:
Side panels
You don’t have to buy them separately as they would normally come with the package of your window fan.
However, if you are not confident to install the unit, you may always get the ones that come with a stand which you have to place close to a large window. Or, you can always have a professional come to your place and ask him to install the unit for you.
[su_service title=“Best Window Fan Pro Tip” icon=“icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=“#da8014” size=“16”]If you intend to make all the hot air go outside, the best place to install your fan would be upstairs, where hot air is. For letting in cool air, you may want to install the unit at the lowest portion of your house where cold air is likely to be felt.[/su_service]
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How are Window Fans Different?
A majority of other fans cool you by blowing air directly towards you. Window fans work differently. They cool a room by bringing in cool air from the outside. They also keep the room fresh by sucking out the stale air.
They can either be manually reversible or electrically reversible. The former needs to be shifted so as to change the direction of airflow while the latter automatically changes airflow by the flip of a switch.
There are those that have multiple independent blades that work simultaneously to exhaust stale air and/or draw in cool air while others just have a single set of blades.
Choosing a good window fan can be a hectic process and a lot needs to be put into consideration. By reading my reviews you will be sure to choose the very best and most powerful window fan available in the market today.
10 Best Window Fans
Bionaire twin reversible airflow window fan with remote control
Bionaire compact window fan
Holmes dual blade twin window fan with one touch thermostat
Lasko 2138-8” electrically reversible window fan
Air King 9166 20” whole house window fan
Comfort zone CZ310R twin window fan
Optimus 8” reversible twin window
Pelonis 9” twin window fan
Homebasix twin fan window
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Is my house ideal for a window fan(s)?
Before I let you know what to look for in the best window fans, let’s first determine whether your house is ideal for them.
As stated earlier, window fans work differently from other fans. They draw the cool air from outside to reduce the room temperatures. As such, if your house happens to be near a polluted area, avoid using a window fan as it will only draw in the pungent smells.
In addition, if you happen to live in a congested area, chances are the outside temperatures are always higher than those inside. Using window fans in such a house will do the exact opposite of what you expect; it will heat up your house instead of cooling it.
If your house is ideal for a window fan, let’s help you pick the best fan. If it isn’t you can thank me for saving you the money and trouble of installing it.
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Factors to Consider When Choosing The Best Window Fans
1. The fan’s size
Window fans are fitted on the windows. Therefore, it is important to get one that will fit best if not perfectly.
Having a fan that doesn’t fit could make it topple over and force you to buy another one. An ill-fitting fan could also lead to local circulation where the same air is drawn back and forth.
To avoid this, seal the gaps between it and the window using a masking tape, paper or cardboard.
This is important especially for Bionaire window fans that draw air from outside. If the gaps are open, a pressure difference occurs and the air will go back outside hence you won’t get all of that cool air you desire so much.
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2. Safety
Buy a window fan that has a screen. This will prevent intruders such as insects and rodents from gaining entry into your home. In addition, the screen will also prevent criminals from using that window as an entry point.
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3. The fan’s features
Consider buying a window fan that has features such as;
Remote control- this will save you the trouble of having to wake up every time you want to change a setting.
Speed settings- a fan with a wide range of speed settings is always better as it gives you the power to control how much air you want to be drawn in or sucked out.
Multiple blades- fans that come with twin or triple blades increase the rate of airflow in or out of your house. Furthermore, such fans can both draw in and suck the air out at the same time as opposed to single blade fans which can only do one at a time.
Quiet- while at work your fan should be quite enough to enable you to sleep, have a conversation or watch TV.
Extenders- most people don’t carry around tape measures so you are forgiven for not knowing your exact window measurements. For that reason, get a fan with extenders as they are sure to fit your window.
Duo direction fitting- a window fan that can fit horizontally or vertically is best. If it doesn’t fit vertically, you simply rotate it and fit it horizontally. Water resistant- this is for those who live in areas that experience rainfall. We all know that water and electricity is a recipe for fire.
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4. How Much Power?
The best window fans should be powerful enough to draw in large amounts of air and/or suck out all the stale air from your house to leave it cool and fresh.
Goes without saying that the more powerful the fan, the cooler and fresher the room.
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5. How Much Does the Window Fan Cost
Some fans are more expensive than others though not necessarily more effective. Besides, you need to keep in mind that a fan is not an investment that will gain you money. Buy a fan that is reasonably priced and one you can comfortably afford.
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6. Best Consumer reviews
How do you know whether that fan you want actually works as the manufacturer’s claim?
You simply look up what existing consumers have to say about it. It is not uncommon for products not to live up to consumers’ expectations. In doing so, you may save yourself money or end up getting the best value for your money.
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Part of the reason why window fans are popular is their ability to save energy which translates to reduced power bills. With the ever-increasing bills to pay, a relief is most welcome. In addition, they are very effective in cooling and freshening your home.
As if they were not awesome enough, they can supplement or replace your air conditioner which saves you more money.
A good product should always give you value for your money and that is exactly what window fans do. Get yours today and drop a few degrees the economical way!
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