What type of harbor breeze ceiling fan should you buy
Ceiling fans are one of the most decorative aspects of our interior. It doesn’t matter where we want to install them, because they go with every type of interior design and are the perfect choice for every room of our home
Aside from their aesthetic properties, the best ceiling fans also offer high levels of practicality and functionality.
Of course, the main purpose of ceiling fans is to cool down the temperature of our rooms. They do this by by moving large amounts of air using long blades, which are the major parts of their structure.
[su_note note_color=“#63d92d”]Among all the different makes of ceiling fans available in the market, my persona favorite is the Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fans. You can read my detailed review of the fans here.[/su_note]
Why I Love the Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fans
Before you decide to choose the right type of ceiling fan fitting for our specific interior, you need to closely analyze their practical factors.
This is an important step, which will determine your future use of purchased ceiling fan. The key factors that you have to keep in mind when buying a ceiling fan are:
- Room space
- Silence
- Cost
- Durability
- And energy efficiency
Lets look at these factors in more detail
Room size
To begin with, you’ll have to choose the fan in relation to the size of our room. Bigger space will need longer blades and strong rotation system to generate proper and effective ventilation.
[su_note note_color=“#f2ee42”]If the room you intend to cool is larger than 400 sq feet, you’ll need a ceiling fan with blades that are at least 52 inches long.[/su_note]
Another important aspect is a noise-level. If the fan produces too much noise as it rotates, you won’t be able to relax or get some peace and quiet after long, hard day’s work.
You should buy a ceiling fan that is as quiet as it gets. It is only then that you will manage sit comfortably in your chair, put up some gentle music, and take delight in nostalgic atmosphere flowing down from your silent cooling system.
Durability has also much to say in here.
While choosing the right ceiling fan, you should go with types that have long warranty terms assured by manufacturer. This way you will have the reassurance your fan will last you for many long years.
And even in case of some kind of malfunction develops on the fan all you have to do is to replace the busted part or whole fan using the service department, of course, free of charge.
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is probably the most important thing while purchasing a ceiling fan. Some of them can save you up to 40% on your high energy bills during the summer season, which is a very impressive amount for small device like that.
However, before you start counting your saved money, you should first match your fan to the space of your room, mount it correctly on your ceiling, and check if the blades don’t wobble.
If you your ceiling fan is installed improperly, it starts wasting large amounts of energy instead of saving it. And you mustn’t forget about proper and systematical maintenance of your fan.
Types of harbor breeze fans and their applications
There are several types of harbor breeze fans, which can help you during your decision in regard of choosing the proper type to your specific interior.
Every type differs from another in terms of size, noise-level, and of course, appearance.
There are five types of harbor breeze fans, such as: traditional, transitional, contemporary, outdoor, and custom made; which you may find suitable for you room’s interior.
[su_heading size=“17”]Traditional ceiling fan[/su_heading]
This type of fan is very common, and you can find it in almost every store that offers this kind of cooling equipment.
Their universal properties along with many different styles and designs are simply perfect for any kind of interior décor. You can easily apply them in whatever room you like, because space size is of no consequence in here.
Traditional fans have 5 long blades that are very easy and quick to install with additional mounting options.
Regulated circling system, often with 3-speed reversible motor, which will give you the possibility not only to regulate speed for moving suitable amounts of air, but also determine level of energy use.
Every model has pull-chain control, which allows you to adapt fan’s work to your expectations just as the remote control, which you can often purchase for additional costs. Your life will be so much easier, when you have the option to regulate the work of your fan without moving from your favorite chair.
Some of traditional fans are available with Light Kit equipped with different numbers of light fixtures. Everything depends on your taste and interior of your room. If your room is big and dark you can always choose a fan with four light fixtures, but very often one bulb, which goes inside the light globe, is quite sufficient.
Versatility of traditional fans allows you to use them for all-year-round, benefiting from the professional cooling system.
Transitional ceiling fans
This type of ceiling fan is more complex and sophisticated than the common one. It is also suitable for every kind of interior but its unique styles and amazing designs will add class and feeling of luxury inside your own place.
Extravagant décor and fancy aspects of your room will be definitely emphasized after mounting one of these transitional fans.
On top of that, installing this type of ceiling fan will sufficiently raise value of your home. They come in different kinds of forms and shapes, and some are very unique and unusual in their designs.
You can browse between designs, such as damp location dual mount or down-rod with 3-speed reversible motor.
Every type has its individually created set of blades, which are diversified not only in terms of appearance but also in air circulation. Longer and wider blades are perfect for moving large amounts of air. They move slower, so even the efficiency of electrical energy is better.
Installation is also relatively simple with couple of options suitable for every kind of mounting.
Every single fan has amazing design with countless numbers of colors and shades, conforming to any interior décor, which is applied in our room. Light Kit is a prerequisite element in almost every fan and it surely adds to its esthetics.
We’ve got here varieties of the light fixtures, like: light globes, different numbers of light fixtures (from 1 to 4), and in case of Hive Series, place for one 75-watt Halogen E11 bulb, which will properly illuminate even the darkest room or corridor.
Contemporary/Modern ceiling fans
Contemporary fans go with every type of interior design, but especially with modern style, which nowadays is very popular and commonly used in our homes.
If you decide on this kind of fan, you should do very thorough browsing, because you never know what you may find. Contemporary, or also called modern, ceiling fans have very often 3 very long and thin blades, which are cutting the air very well, averring the perfect air circulation with relatively silent humming.
Most of them have down-rod design with 3-speed reversible motor and 3-speed pull chain control. Some guarantee saving considerable amounts of energy, thanks to revolutionary quiet DC motor.
Most modern ceiling fans can be easily applied in larger spaces, but there are also some, like for example fans from Hive Series, which are just perfect for small interiors and children’s rooms.
If you feel like it, you can purchase Light Kit, which goes along with your contemporary fan.
Every store offers many types of kits, from light globes to multiple light fixtures that will effectively cast a light on your beloved resting place.
There are many modern harbor breeze ceiling fans, but there is one in particular, which definitely stands out from the rest.
It’s a Harbor Breeze 72-in Slinger Helicopter Fan with Light Kit and Remote Control.
This Fan has up to 9 blades with super energy-efficient DC motor, which consumes less than 30 watts of energy during the highest circulation of air.
It’s a perfect fit for really large room with high ceiling. Its 72 inches diameter is able to move enormous quantities of air, and that’s why this is one of the best cooling systems harbor breeze has to offer. Besides, acting on its size is very quiet and exquisitely efficient.
Outdoor ceiling fans
Harbor breeze ceiling fans are perfect fit for every interior of our home.
But what about outdoor locations, like patio, garden arbor or deck?
Well, harbor breeze has answer for that, too. Its offer includes many models of outdoor fans, with every possible type, which were mentioned above.
Just like the indoor fans, those mounted on patios and decks also can be efficient, aesthetic, practical and durable.
However, the structure of outdoor ceiling fans is a little bit different.
Blades are often wider and made mainly from materials, which last longer, like bronze and galvanized components.
Styles and designs are much diversified, and anyone who is looking for outdoor fan will have the possibility to choose the type, which suits them the most. But while browsing for perfect outdoor fan, you can’t forget about one very important thing – types of weather conditions.
Weather has a significant impact on endurance of the outdoor ceiling fans. So, make sure to buy a fan with weathered proof blades. Such a ceiling fan can handle even the most extreme conditions without rotting afterwards.
[su_note note_color=“#fae240”]Look for blades with high waterproof level.[/su_note]
Just like in any other types, here you can also purchase Light Kit, which will illuminate your patio during long and warm summer evenings. And don’t forget about energy savings, either.
Outdoor ceiling fans are a real treat, mostly during very hot days, where there’s no wind whatsoever, and scorching heat reaches every part of your body. Having an amazing cooling system outside your home will save you from merciless sun, every time.
Custom made ceiling fans
When after long and exhaustive searches, you still can’t find the perfect ceiling fan, which will grant you all that you are looking for, you will still have one option left.
You can always decide on custom made fan.
This way you will be able to put all your required elements inside one device.
Combinations are endless here. First you need to determine if it will be indoor or outdoor fan.
If outdoor, don’t forget about weather proof aspects. Interior fans, which go to your Zen-room, should have minimal noise-level, which allows you to benefit from heavenly silence combined with circulation of cool air.
You can choose larger, more efficient blades that will save your expensive energy. Style and design depends here only on your individual taste. You can even match sophisticated accessories, such as light fixtures, pull-chain control, reversible motors and remote controls. Another possibility is to merge fans together making double- or triple-header device, and changing your fan into state-of-the-art masterpiece.
[su_note note_color=“#63d220”]With custom Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fans, only two things can hold you down. One of them is your imagination; the second would be the capacity of your pocket.[/su_note]
Harbor breeze has very broad offer of ceiling fans that will definitely change interior of your room for better. Their products are perfect not only for your home, but also for offices and restaurants.
The Harbor breeze fans have unique features and properties that can do all the things, which are expected from a ceiling fan. They can lower your energy bills, put you in relaxed mood, cool down or heat up the interior, bring some luxury straight to your living space, and even cool you down while you’re fighting with a summer heat on your patio.
Installation process is very easy, and in case of malfunction Harbor Breeze Shop offers you enormous amount of spare parts, for every type of their fan. Some parts even have a lifetime-warranty, which are significantly rising the duration of using them in your home. You can buy them in almost every store that offers heating and cooling systems, or you can simply order them online.
And from now on, you don’t have to open your windows, just to feel pleasant breeze during hot days. So, you can finally throw away your ceiling lamps and cumbersome air-conditioners, and marvel at your new, economical purchase, which will last you for very long time. And all thanks to harbor freeze ceiling fans, which are one of the best products on today’s market.
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